Services We Offer

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Project Leasing

Property Management

Sales and Acquisitions

Tenant Representation

Construction Management

Development Consulting

Land Acquisitions / Assemblages



Project Leasing

Project leasing is one of our most significant services provided by Kim Martin Company, Inc. Leasing is basically a service and information business.  We are strongly committed to assembling pertinent information, passing that information to interested prospects and sharing that information with our industry contemporaries.  Project Leasing employs leasing strategies that are unique to our company.

Our brokers stay on the leading edge of the local and regional market by working all leasing prospects from the small start up businesses to the sophisticated, established, larger firms.  We are further committed to being honest and forthright with our clients.  Each time we propose a real estate transaction our reputation and future is on the line and we believe that our expertise will precede us.


Kim Martin Company, Inc. © 2008